Wednesday, April 1, 2009

About the Susan Polgar Foundation

The Susan Polgar Foundation (SPF), Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation supported by charitable donations. SPF is the proud sponsor of the SP National Invitational for Girls, SP National Open for Boys and Girls, SP World Open for Boys and Girls, SP All-Star Girl’s Chess Team, NY City Mayor’s Cup Invitational, Tri-State Scholastic Chess Challenge, Lubbock Open, Lubbock Scholastic Open, SPICE Cup, SPICE Spring Invitational, "Get Smart! Play Chess!", and many more events.

The Susan Polgar Foundation began back in 2002 with the passion and commitment of moving the benefits and worthwhile lessons the game can bring to life. The benefits of chess such as developing decision making, critical thinking, logical thinking, evaluating, planning, problem solving, and perseverance skills are just a few beneficial rewards of playing the game.

Chess also improves concentration, memory, intuition and self-control while promoting independence, imagination and creativity. Chess is combining so many important qualities in life, such as concentration, focusing and planning ahead, and taking into account the people around you, and precision, and research, and psychology, and time management, and a number of other very important life skills that we deal with on an everyday basis.

I believe chess teaches you to be more responsible. Since the SPF was started back in 2002, many events have blossomed and become the benchmark events for young chess players across the United States. Nearly $1,000,000 in chess scholarships (total values) have been awarded to young chess players in these events.

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